Medical Centers

Freiburg University Hospital
Germany, Freiburg
Welcome to the Medical Center – University of Freiburg, one of the leading medical institutions in Germany and in Europe. The Medical Center – University of Freiburg: • one of the 3 largest medical centers in Germany
 • largest cardio center in Germany
 • 91.000 inpatients and 717.000 outpatients per year • 1.400 medical specialists and 11.000 employees The Medical Center – University of Freiburg has a long and rich history. Some of the most famous doctors in the world have worked here, four of which were Nobel Prize winners for achievements in medical science. The medical center’s faculty can be traced back to 1457, thus making us one of the oldest and most distinguished faculties in Germany with over 555 years of history. The Medical Center – University of Freiburg offers ready access to world-class medical treatment. We focus on
novel diagnostic procedures and treatments and apply the latest findings in clinical and biomedical research. Our interdisciplinary specialist teams are committed to delivering top-quality, personalized care in an ambience of comfort and convenience. The international staff of our medical center is happy to welcome you to Freiburg and is ready to provide you with the best medical care!
Sensory rehab upon request
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Korea, Seoul
The tradition and obligations of Seoul National University Medical School as the core organization of Korean Health care over the last 100 years has also been bestowed upon us here at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital's campus. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH) has been committed to providing top-notch medical care to the patients we serve. Throughout the years, we have committed all our resources to improving the quality of patient care, pioneering research activities and also the education of future health care professionals. Historically, Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) was the first hospital in Korea to provide modernized western medicine in this country from the late 19th century. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital continues that tradition of excellence and our moral obligation as the trademark of Korean health care and the first teaching institution outside the Yeongeon-dong Campus, the ivory tower, in order to accommodate the ever-growing patient population of this country.
Sensory rehab upon request
ASAN Medical Center
Korea, Seoul
Since its establishment in June, 1989, ASAN Medical Center has achieved a world-class medical reputation as it has continued to aggressively invest in R&D and clinical treatment. AMC also has carried out its social responsibility as a respected hospital by fulfilling the spirit of ‘respect for life’ and ‘sharing pain with neighbors.’ AMC is leading medical development in Korea with their competitive skills and cutting-edge equipment comparable to those of advanced foreign hospitals. ASAN Medical Center is the parent hospital of eight hospitals under the ASAN Foundation. Since its establishment in 1977, ASAN Foundation has launched nonprofit programs in social work and scholarships as well as academic research. In particular, ASAN opened hospitals in rural areas where modern medical resources are scarce, fulfilling a mission of the founder Chung Ju-young - ‘to help the neediest in our society.’
Sensory rehab upon request
Diaplasis Rehabilitation Center
Greece, Kalamata
DIAPLASIS Rehabilitation and Recovery Center is a fully qualified rehabilitation clinic for people with physical disabilities and is unique in its kind Greece. It was created to essentially and effectively address problems that are faced by patients because of due to illness or injury following their hospital discharge. Problems that are not only associated with the patient's complete recovery, but also with his/her everyday life and his/her lifestyle that has now changed.
Sensory rehab upon request
National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation
Hungary, Budapest
The National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation as one of the firsts gave place to medical rehabilitation and physical medicine undergraduate and postgraduate study programs in Hungary. By the experiences gained over the years we became aware that certain most necessary topics in rehabilitation including orthopedics, surgery or amputee rehab, traumatic and spinal cord injuries, hemiplegia, brain injuries, bone and joint infections, TBC, rehabilitation of patients with different disabilities and other procedures or therapy methods.
Sensory rehab upon request