Evexia Rehabilitation Center

Thessaloniki, Greece
EVEXIA is a rehabilitation center that provides modern healthcare services and is equipped with medical nursing units, specialized medical and rehabilitation equipment and experienced personnel, treating patients with motor, cognitive and behavioral disorders. Our goal is to bring about the recovery of such patients with respect to functioning in their daily living activities, and to help them return to their family, work, environment and previous lifestyle. The management team bases its work on long-term strategic policies, following individualized patient management models, and has rapidly captured a large share of the rehabilitation market in Greece with 100% bed occupancy. The company continues to evolve dynamically.
The EVEXIA Rehabilitation Center is located in Chalkidiki, 18 km fr om the international airport. It offers 165 single and double-bed rooms, a high-dependency unit specialized in intensive care, microbiology and x-ray laboratories, and primary care services, including a laboratory and diagnostic departments.
Support and Guidance
We support our patients at every step, apply a strict quality management policy with respect to our services, and invest in our partners’ knowledge and continuous education by adopting the principle of reliability. We have built up our brand name within Greece and now we are working towards achieving this on the international health and rehabilitation market.
Evexia is a pioneer in the sphere of medical tourism, and has been treating patients fr om countries of the European Union, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Egypt. At a time when health systems worldwide are cutting benefits and face rising costs, Evexia is responding with cost-effective rehabilitation services, offering high quality standards by investing in the future.
Mission and Strategy
Our mission is to help patients enhance their quality of life and to regain lost abilities or learn new skills. Evexia’s strategy is based on four key principles that are aimed at achieving long-term and sustainable development:
• Development of therapeutic solutions, focusing on our patients
• Flexibility and rapid adaptability to all future challenges
• Research and innovation
• Systems and technologies
Services and Clinics
A. Rehabilitation Services
Depending on the patient’s clinical condition, we provide services either involving the patient’s hospitalization at the Rehabilitation Center or by providing treatment on an outpatient basis, according to a personalized rehabilitation program, thereby allowing him/her to return home. Various service packages for patients hospitalized at the Center are include:
• Medical services provided by Rehabilitation Center physicians, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist, pathologist, and neurologist, orthopedics, an intensivist, urologist, pediatrician, microbiologist and radiologist
• Nursing services
• Recovery and reconditioning services, including physical therapy, robotic systems, training to increase capacity for daily functioning, speech therapy, education regarding swallowing disorders, treatment for mental problems due to brain damage, psychological support, therapeutic rehabilitation program in a comfortable adapted pool, and therapy using high-tech equipment.
• Full feeding
• Daily cleaning and changing of bedding
• Free transportation of relatives from and to Thessaloniki during visiting hours
• Free Wi-Fi and TV
• Free laboratory examinations for patients insured by EOPYY
• Free X-rays at a physician’s recommendation
• Regular medical update course development
• Advanced patient management service
• Digital medical report of patients’ health
B. Outpatient clinics
• Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
• Cardiology Clinic
• Pathology Clinic
• Orthopedic Clinic
• Pulmonary and Oncology Clinic
• Bronchoscopy Unit
• Psychology Clinic
• Chronic pain Clinic
• Spasticity Management
• Preventive Medicine Clinic
• Coverage by physicians of all specialties
C. Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests
• Blood tests
• Biochemical tests
• Check bonding mechanism
• Immunological (quality control)
• Blood gases
• Imaging
• Urodynamic bladder control
• Clinical evaluation of swallowing ability and evaluation of swallowing using the FEES procedure (flexible bronchoscope)
• Lung Bronchoscopy
• Soft tissue ultrasound
• Heart ultrasound
• Gait analysis
• Balance and fall risk analysis using specialized high-tech equipment
• Functional capacity evaluation of the upper end
• Evaluation of cognitive ability
• Analysis and motor education
• Neuromuscular and functional electrical stimulation
• Feedback (biofeedback)
• Isokinetics
• Microbiological examination
• Diagnostic Ultrasound Laboratory
• Qualification of Orthotic construction
Upper limb robotic system
Post-stroke patients have difficulty in regaining full function of upper limbs as the latter execute thousands of combined skillful movements, which require a certain degree of coordination, something that is disturbed after a stroke.
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the healthy brain neurons to create new connections with neighbor cells around the destroyed area in order to re-establish information transmission after being properly stimulated. Therefore, the key in the rehabilitation process is to evoke proper stimulation in the affected area. Robotic technology treatment is widely applied to all patients with various function disorders in the upper limb movement and applicable to all stages of the rehabilitation process; in cases wh ere there is no movement and the affected limb is moved automatically by the robotic device; in cases with some degree of movement wh ere the device assists and guides the patient’s upper limb, improving movement control and muscle strength. The device can achieve 300-500 repetitions/movements in an hour instead of 30-40 repetitions of the conventional treatment method.
The most important advantages of this new method are as follows:
• Shorter rehabilitation time and better results
• Customized programs for each patient’s special needs
• Accuracy in movement patterns, the basic element in rehabilitation
• Hundreds of repeated movements in a short period of time
• Efficiency in movement retraining
• Pain reducing during the rehabilitation process
• Increased joint range of motion
• Reduced spasticity
• Improved muscle tone
• The patient can see the simulation of movement in real time through a monitor
Gait and balance analysis
Gait Analysis with simultaneous EMG recording (dynamic EMG) is a very useful study method that:
– enables us to objectively study the patient’s gait pattern, body movements , body mechanics , and the activity of the muscles.
– provides detailed information about parameters of the gait cycle, such as the stance and swing phase.
– allows for the assessment and identification of gait disorders in real time , that is not possible with clinical evaluation alone.
– helps us to plan individual rehabilitation programs focused on the patient’s specific posture-related and movement-related disorders and their optimal treatment.
NDT - Bobath method
The Bobath concept – NDT is a broad and ever-evolving approach in neurological rehabilitation that is applied in patient assessment and treatment (such as with adults after stroke, or children with cerebral palsy).
Principles of the treatment: education of kinetic models (functional), not individual muscles training.
· The sense of movement is taught.
· Trying to make easier the normal motion (normal motor patterns) while is trying to overcome the pathological pattern (kinetic model).
· Sets targets considering the operating motor level of the infant, his age and the child’s abilities, always in close cooperation with the family.
· The objectives are trying to make easier and to prepare the normal development of the active motor abilities of the child and treats it with a holistic approach.
Hospitalized treatment
The Evexia Rehabilitation Centre provides hospitalized treatment for patients with gait, movement, balance, behavior and mental disorders caused by the following:
• Diseases of the Central Nervous System
· Spinal cord injury (paraplegia, tetraplegia)
· Traumatic Brain Injury
· Stroke
· Multiple sclerosis
· Parkinsonian syndromes
· Tumors of the Nervous System
• Diseases of the Peripheral Nervous System
· Polyneuropathy – Radiculopathy
· Nerve Damage and Injuries
· Motor neurone disease
· Postoperative conditions after brain surgery, spine, joints and fractures
· Musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain of the spine, joints, muscles and tendons.
· Pediatric disorders (cerebral palsy, postoperative rehabilitation)
· Sport injuries
· Rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing arthritis)
· Postoperatively after limb amputation
· Heart Disease: Cardiopulmonary repair following myocardial infarction, heart failure and post-operative cardiac surgery
To view procedures or prices, please click
on the relevant specialty link.
If you want to send a request to a
medical center for a procedure/treatment,
please click on the price/upon request link.
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Cancer rehabilitation | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Cardiac rehabilitation | upon request |
Heart failure | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Contrast urography | upon request |
Electroneurophysiology Lab | upon request |
Gait and Motion Analysis Lab | upon request |
Urodynamic Testing Lab | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Multiple sclerosis | upon request |
Parkinson's disease | upon request |
Speech disorders | upon request |
Stroke rehabilitation | upon request |
Stuttering therapy | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Herniated disk | upon request |
Post-operative rehabilitation | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
ACL Reconstruction | upon request |
Ankylosing spondylitis | upon request |
Arthroplasty | upon request |
Foot surgery | upon request |
Heel spur | upon request |
Herniated disk | upon request |
Malposture | upon request |
Meniscus injuries | upon request |
Osteoarthritis | upon request |
Osteoarthrosis | upon request |
Osteochondrosis | upon request |
Osteoporosis | upon request |
Pain treatment | upon request |
Post traumatic rehabilitation | upon request |
Shoulder surgery | upon request |
Spondylodesis | upon request |
Tendon injury | upon request |
Valgus deformities of the feet | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Pediatric rehabilitation | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Accident injuries | upon request |
Achilles tendon rupture | upon request |
ACL Reconstruction | upon request |
Amputee rehab | upon request |
Ankylosing spondylitis | upon request |
Aphasia | upon request |
Aphonia | upon request |
Apraxia | upon request |
Arthroplasty | upon request |
Asthma | upon request |
Ataxia | upon request |
Autoimmune diseases | upon request |
Back pain | upon request |
Brachial plexus injuries | upon request |
Brain tumors | upon request |
Cancer rehab | upon request |
Cerebral Palsy | upon request |
Chewing - swallowing disorders | upon request |
Chronic Respiratory Failure | upon request |
Cognitive functioning assessment | upon request |
COPD | upon request |
Correction of spasticity | upon request |
Degenerative CNS disorders | upon request |
Diabetic foot | upon request |
Dysarthria | upon request |
Dyskinesia | upon request |
Dysphagia | upon request |
Fibromyalgia | upon request |
Fibrotic lung disease | upon request |
Foot surgery | upon request |
Fractures | upon request |
Gait analysis - Plantogram | upon request |
Gait rehab | upon request |
Geriatrics | upon request |
Heart failure | upon request |
Heel spur | upon request |
Herniated disk | upon request |
Hollow foot | upon request |
Hydrotherapy | upon request |
Ischemic stroke | upon request |
Isokinetic dynamometry | upon request |
Joint diseases | upon request |
Joint dislocations | upon request |
Knee injury | upon request |
Logopedics | upon request |
Lumbago | upon request |
Malposture | upon request |
Medical simulators | upon request |
Meniscus | upon request |
Movement coordination rehab | upon request |
Multiple sclerosis | upon request |
Muscle injuries | upon request |
Muscular dystrophy | upon request |
Musculoskeletal system disorders | upon request |
Myopathy | upon request |
Neurological disorders | upon request |
Neuromuscular diseases | upon request |
Obstetric palsy | upon request |
Osteoarthritis | upon request |
Osteoarthrosis | upon request |
Osteochondrosis | upon request |
Osteoporosis | upon request |
Pain therapy | upon request |
Paraplegia | upon request |
Parkinson's disease | upon request |
Pediatric disorders | upon request |
Pediatric rehab | upon request |
Periarthritis | upon request |
Physiotherapy | upon request |
Pinched nerve | upon request |
Plantar fasciitis | upon request |
Plexopathy | upon request |
Polyneuritis | upon request |
Polyneuropathy | upon request |
Polyradiculopathy | upon request |
Post-infarction rehab | upon request |
Post-operative rehab | upon request |
Post-stroke rehab | upon request |
Post-traumatic rehab | upon request |
Prevention of secondary complications of paralysis | upon request |
Psychiatric rehab | upon request |
Psychological rehab | upon request |
Respiratory system diseases | upon request |
Rheumatism | upon request |
Rheumatoid arthritis | upon request |
Sciatica | upon request |
Scleroderma | upon request |
Shoulder surgery | upon request |
Slurred speech | upon request |
Speech and communication disorders | upon request |
Speech disorders | upon request |
Spinal cord disorders | upon request |
Spinal cord injury | upon request |
Spinal tumors | upon request |
Spondylitis | upon request |
Spondylolisthesis | upon request |
Sports injuries | upon request |
Sprains | upon request |
Stuttering | upon request |
Systemic lupus erythematosus | upon request |
Tendon injuries | upon request |
Tetraplegia | upon request |
The neck and shoulder syndrome | upon request |
Traumatic brain injury | upon request |
Valgus flat foot | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Geriatric assessment | upon request |
Geriatric mental health | upon request |
Geriatric pain management | upon request |
Geriatric psychology | upon request |
Geriatric speech disorders | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Autoimmune diseases | upon request |
Multiple sclerosis | upon request |
Rheumatoid arthritis | upon request |
Systemic lupus erythematosus | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Asthma | upon request |
Autoimmune disorders | upon request |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD | upon request |
Pulmonary fibrosis | upon request |
Treatment / Procedure | Price |
Ankylosing spondylitis | upon request |
Osteoarthritis | upon request |
Osteoporosis | upon request |
Rheumatic arthritis | upon request |
Rheumatism | upon request |
Systemic lupus erythematosus | upon request |
Travel assistance
- Accomodation
- Accomodation of family members
- Business delivery
- E- Medical records
- Excursion/tours
- Flight/Avia
- Guide
- Insurance
- Interpreter
- Personal manager
- Private nurse
- Rent a car
- Shopping
- Transfer
- Bank/ATM
- Cafe
- Internet
- Massage center
- Pharmacy
- Phone
- Private rooms
- Restaurant
- Social service
- Special food
- TV
- Arabic
- English
- German
- Greek
- Russian
In numbers
Departments 12 Beds 165
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